I did not record Session-001 yesterday and decided to try and record Session-002 so you can actually see how I played the session. The recording of the session was simple enough but because playing online is so fast, I felt I would not have time to do a running commentary while trying to focus on the task at hand.
After recording, I went about writing the narrative and then created the voice clips to sync with the video and due to my inexperience with this task, it took me ages to complete! Now I am thinking if I will be able to do that for every session as it would take up too much valuable time. I will try to do it but I am not going to promise anything ok.
I have uploaded the session video to YouTube but note that there is no recording of the BART session because when I play I use 2 computers for convenience. I have my big screen where BART sits and I use my laptop to log in to the online casino to play. I have embedded the BART session screenshot below which should be easy enough to follow.

In this session, BART's forecasting accuracy falls under scenario-3 where BART forecasted MORE LOSSES than WINS and like I said right at the start of the video, that doesn't mean you can't win with BART.
Having observed that BART was trending towards more LOSSES than WINS, I used that observation to my advantage by betting against BART's forecast and won! I hit my session target of winning 5 units.
You might be wondering - why didn't I make BART display the opposite forecast so that the results would be the opposite? And that's a good question.
Initially, that was precisely what I did but by doing that, BART would then turn all winning forecasts into losing forecasts, so I was not better off. I eventually decided not to overcomplicate the matter and simply bet against BART whenever the trend was stronger on LOSSES and everything worked out just fine.
Now, because it took me so long to put this first video together, I ended up not playing any more sessions last night so I am way behind as far as yesterday's targetted number of sessions is concerned. Remember, I planned to play 20 sessions but technically I only played 2 but ended up with results equivalent to 3 sessions since each session's target was just to make 5 units.
As I have a long weekend ahead, I will try and catch up slowly but I am not going to push myself all that hard. I will try to record every session but I am not sure if I want to create the running commentary for each and every session as that was rather tedious.
I think by showing you the screen recording and the accompanying BART screenshot, you should be able to follow what I did.
As always, I wish you all the best in your baccarat games, and see you in the next session!